Découvrez la puissance
d’une bonne gestion RH.

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Découvrez la puissance
d’une bonne gestion RH.

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Discover the power of a strong foundation in HR management.

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Unique work spaces

Empowering those who need it.

Letters and reports

Automate common Word or PDF letters, templates and reports.

Analyses and queries

Become less routine and more proactive. View and analyze your HR data more effectively


Become less routine and more proactive. View and analyze your HR data more effectively

Tasks and alerts

Create, organize and assign checklists to employees to ensure nothing is missed or forgotten.

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Information sharing

Communicate more effectively without cluttering email inboxes by using: business information forum, polls, blogs etc.

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Storage of documents

Place documents in an employee’s file or make it available to the entire company. Store an unlimited number of files of all types.

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Store HR data in a safe place and available 24/7.

Unique work spaces

Letters and reports

Analyses and queries


Tasks and alerts

Communication tools

Document storage

Cloud and security